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6.50 Changelog



基本和BETA11差不多============== Hero Changes: ————-

* Removed manacost on Mana Shield activation激活魔法護盾的魔法取消了

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* Changed Leap’s cooldown to scale with levels月女跳躍的CD隨着級別而減少

* Improved Juggernaut’s movement speed增加BM的移動速度到305

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* Implemented a better silencing mechanism in the Black Hole area to prevent spell execution regardless of cast animation time迷團的黑洞用更好的機制進行沉默

* Lowered Drow Ranger’s Agility gain per level降低黑弓的敏捷成長

* Changed Drow Ranger’s Marksmanship ultimate修改黑弓的大,

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* Increased Morphling’s base damage增加水人基礎攻擊

* Macropyre’s cooldown no longer increases per level雙頭龍的大的CD不再隨級別而增長

* Added an extra bounce to Chain Frost巫妖的大多反彈一次

* Reduced Sprint’s damage amplification減少風暴之魂的傷害振幅

* Increased Maledict’s area of effect by 15增加詛咒的范圍15

* Changed Spectre’s Dispersion修改UG的Dispersion

* Redesigned Visage重新設計了死靈龍

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* Improved casting range on Acid Spray酸性毒液的施放范圍增加了

* Changed how Song of the Siren levels up修改了小NAGA的大

* Reduced cooldown on high level Shapeshift減少高級別的狼人變身

* Improved armor on Enigma’s Eidolons加強迷團的小水人

* Reduced Expulsion’s cooldown and manacost驅除的CD和魔耗減少了

* Improved Keeper of the Light’s attack animation增強了光法的攻擊動畫

* Improved Scattershot’s damage range from 10-35 to 20-35增強火槍碎片的威力

* Improved Alchemist’s base Intelligence and growth增強了練金的智力成長和初始智力

* Slightly improved Psi Blades’ spill width and range增強了PSI之刃的范圍

* Improved Chemical Rage增強了化學狂暴

* Increased Phantom Lancer’s Strength gain增加了猴子的力量成長

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* Increased cooldown on Psionic Trap from 7 to 14 seconds靈能陷阱的CD升到14秒

* Improved lifesteal on level 2 and 3 Insatiable Hunger增強了2級3級蜘珠的大

* Reduced Replicate’s manacost and cooldown減少復制的魔耗和CD

* Improved Troll’s base movement speed增強了巨魔的基礎移動速度

* Decreased Rampage’s movement speed bonus and cooldown減少狂暴的額外移動速度和CD

* Improved Spirit Bear’s Demolish增強靈熊對建築的能力

* Increased Lightning Storm’s cooldown by 2 seconds增加閃電風暴的CD2秒,TS的技能

* Reduced cooldown on level 4 Metamorphosis from 135 to 110 seconds靈守4級的變身CD減少到110秒

* Reduced Lina’s movement speed by 5減少火女的移動速度5

* Improved Sand Storm增強沙王的隱身技能

* Reduced the slow on Epicenter減少地震的減速效果

* Improved range on Drow Ranger’s Trueshot Aura增強黑弓光環的范圍

* Improved cooldown progression on Insatiable Hunger加強嫉妒飢渴

* Reduced Sven’s base armor減少流浪的基礎護甲

* Improved Enigma’s movement speed增加迷團的基礎移動速度

* Modified initial projectile speed and effect on Paralyzing Casks麻醉藥劑的投射物被加強了

* Improved Enfeeble加強衰弱(痛苦之源的第一技能?~)

* Improved Auto Fire’s area of effect and duration增強自動之火

* Reduced Queen of Pain’s Blink range at early levels減少低級別女王閃爍的范圍

* Improved Earthshaker’s movement speed增強牛的移動速度

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* Zombies now give a bit less bounty殺死小殭屍給更少的錢

* Reduced Gravechill’s cooldown a bit減少了Gravechill的CD時間

* Increased Primal Roar’s cooldown a little bit增加獸王大的CD時間

* Eclipse’s damage is based on Lucent Beam level and doesn’t ministun削弱了月女的大,她的大將和一技能掛鈎而且不會造成短暫暈

* Lucent Beam ministun duration increases per level (0.6 level 4 up from a constant 0.01)月光(月女一技能)4級的時候能暈目標0.6秒

* Lowered Eclipse’s manacost and gave it constant cooldown progression降低了月女大的魔耗並且有一個連貫的CD過程

* Increased Lucent Beam’s casting range and lowered manacost slightly增加月光的施展范圍並且降低魔耗(暴力月女~~ORZ)

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* Improved cast range on Expulsion and Fire Storm驅逐和火焰風暴的施法范圍增加了

* Improved Ravage a little (it became slightly less effective with the Impale recodes)Z增強了朝希的大技能

* Reverse Polarity’s cooldown is now the same on all levels猛獁的大所有級別的CD都一樣了

* Changes Queen of Pain’s blink cooldown from 12/9/7/5 to 12/10/8/6 seconds(修改了女王閃爍的時間)

* Removed true sight from Spin Web(蛛網沒有真視能力了)

* Added some extra movement bonus on higher level Spin Web在高級的網里走動,蜘蛛的速度更快了

* Improved Keeper of the Light’s movement speed光法現在跑的更快了

* Improved Storm Spirit’s base armor增強電子熊貓的基礎護甲

* Lowered Mirror Image’s cooldown slightly降低鏡像(小NAGA的技能)CD

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* Improved slow on Drunken Haze加強醉酒雲霧的減少速效果

* Improved movement bonus on Witchcraft增強Witchcraft的額外移動速度

* Lowered Searing Arrows’ cooldown減少骨弓法球技能的CD

* Improved Reaper’s Scythe’s leveling a bit增強死神蠊刀?

* Changed Purification’s damage type to Pure(修改淨化的傷害類型為神聖?的)

* Lowered Axe’s starting Agility and increased his starting Strength(降低斧王的初始敏捷加強初始力量)

* Lowered Death Coil’s cooldown減少死亡纏繞的CD

* Improved Undying’s base armor增加不死屍王的基礎護甲

* Improved Meepo’s base Strength增強地卜的基礎力量

* Rebalanced Pit of Malice重新平衡了MALICA

* Increased AOE on Firestorm增強了火焰風暴的AOE

* Reduced the search area for Omnislash減少無敵斬的探索范圍

* Changed Bloodrage’s stats a bit修改了血魔的屬性一點

* Lowered level 1 Mana Void’s manacost降低一級別敵法大的魔耗

* Lowered Exorcism’s damage return threshold and cooldown降低了死亡先知大的傷害返還,和CD時間

* Restored Bone Fletcher’s old Wind Walk speed bonus骨弓的疾風步像以前版本那樣快了

* Lowered Geminate’s attack cooldown(降低了雙攻的CD時間)

* Slightly improved how Medusa’s Purge levels(增加了蛇女淨化級別) Item Changes: ————-

* Redesigned Eul’s Scepter of Pinity 重新製作了風杖

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* Redesigned Orchid Malevolence 重新製作了紫怨

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* Redesigned Guinsoo’s Scythe of Vyse(重新製作了羊刀)

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* Added cooldown to Bottle usage and reduced its sell cost用瓶子有CD,買瓶子價格極少

* Bottle is in full state at all the side shops once again買瓶子送一瓶水

* Changed how Dagger of Escape works. It cannot be activated if you took damage in the last 3 seconds.修改跳刀,如果你在3秒內被攻擊,則無法使用!!!

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* Added Hyperstone to the Goblin Shop地精商店開始買振奮

* Changed Unholy Rage’s lifesteal type to be the same as regular lifesteal修改不潔狂熱吸血類型

* Reduced price on Ultimate Orb 極限法球大甩買了

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* Added Ring of Health to the Goblin Shop地精商店開始賣治療戒指

* Added Quarterstaff to the Goblin Shops增加短棍到地精商店

* Increased Perseverance’s damage from 7 to 10增加了堅妊球傷害到10

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* Added Javelin to the Goblin Shops野外地精商店可以買到長矛了

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* Removed the stack restriction on Shiva’s Guard 取消希娃(49新物品)的傷害疊加限制

* Improved Vanguard a little增強了先鋒盾一點點

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* Changed Lothar’s Edge’s recipe and stats修改了洛薩之鋒合成方法和卷軸

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* Reduced Vladmir’s Offering recipe cost 減少吸血鬼卷軸的價格

* Reduced Linken’s Sphere’s cooldown減少林肯的CD18秒!!比BETA11還強!

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* Removed stacking restriction from Bloodstone and improved its stats增強血石屬性,取消疊加限制

* Improved Helm of the Dominator damage from 10 to 20增強支配頭盔傷害為20

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* Improved Oblivion Staff mana regen by 25%增強空明杖的魔法恢復+25%

* Quarterstaff price reduced短棍價格減少了

* Hand of Midas can now target level 6 Neutrals (Satyr Hellcaller and Dark Troll Warlord)現在邁達斯可以點6級生物了!

* Reduced Void Stone’s cost by 25 gold減少虛無寶石價格25

* Improved casting range per level of Dagon upgrade大根隨着級別的提升施展范圍也提升了

* Improved Sange and Yasha增強雙劍!!!!不是一般的增強,基本回到了610時代的雙劍

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* Removed Flying Courier Mana and gave it a Mana base upgrade ability取消烏鴉的魔法給它一個能升級魔法的技能

* Wards now require 5 mana to be placed插個眼還要5魔法

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* Reduced animation time and cooldown on Manta Style減少散失施法動畫時間和CD時間

* Ring of Health’s regeneration increased by 1增強了治療戒指 Neutral Related: —————-

* Change some of the Scourge’s top left forest area修改了天災上左方向的一些樹林

* Changed the locations and distribution of neutral creep camp groups修改了一些中立野怪位置

* Fixed neutral spawn times in various modes 修改了不同模式下刷野時間

* Reworked the trees and pathing near the small Sentinel creep camp在近衛附近修改了些樹

* Increased neutral creep Centaur’s aura by 5%增強人馬光環

* Added an Alpha Wolf with a command aura in the wolves’ creep camp野怪狼有強擊光環了

* Added a new creep camp group (1 Ghost with Frost Attack + 2 Fel Beasts)增加了新野怪點

* Added a new ancient creep camp group (Jungle Stalkers)增加了新古樹級怪

* Added a new creep camp group (1 Enraged Wildken with Tornado + 2 Wildkins) 增加新野怪

* Added a new creep camp group (1 Dark Troll Warlord with Raise Dead and 1.5 sec Ensnare + 2 Dark Trolls) 增加新野怪

* Changed the Furbolg’s Stomp to a Clap修改野怪熊的技能踩地板為敲地板

* Improved Satyr Hellcaller’s Unholy Aura修改大塞的光環

* Neutral Ogre no longer autocast Frost Armor 野怪藍胖子不會自動放技能了

* Changed the location of some of the Scourge creep camps修改天災一些野怪的位置

* Redid neutral creep spawner code for some optimizations 重做了野怪代碼 Bug Fixes:BUG修正 ———–

* Recoded impale based effects completely, fixing various ramp bugs, stacking issues and a lot of rare problems. (Burrowstrike, Impale (Lion), Impale (Nerubian Assassin), Ravage) 重寫了穿刺

* Fixed Land Mines to properly detect floating heroes重寫了炸彈,這樣就可以炸飛行單位了

* Fixed a problem with Huskar’s Burning Spears that would cause him to swing incorrectly when the enemy is moving修改了神靈魂法球的小問題

* Fixed some bugs with Wild Axes修改了飛行的斧王BUG

* Fixed some color issues on the load screen (kunkka)修正了顏色問題

* Couriers can no longer use Scroll of Town Portal to make buildings invulnerable烏鴉不能用TP了

* Fixed Dark Rift from initiating cooldown when cast incorrectly修正了黑暗先知的大

* Fixed a bug introduced in the recent Aghanim’s Scepter changes on Crystal Maiden修正了冰女拿A的大

* Fixed Last Word triggering off of Linken’s Sphere’s usage 修正最後遺言對林肯問題

* Fixed Berserker Rage triggering Essence Aura修正近遠程切換觸發精氣光環

* Insatiable Hunger, God’s Strength and Rampage are no longer removed by Cyclone吹風不能移除流浪和蜘蛛的大

* Fixed Javelin’s odds being slightly off修正長矛

* Fixed an issue with the Cheese drop from Roshan掉奶酪有提示了

* Fixed an issue with Forest Troll High Priest’s pathing scale 修整了野怪巨魔的路徑范圍

* Fixed some text display problems when viewing replays (thanks DonTomaso)在RELAY中的文字顯示問題

* Fixed a very minor bug with Elder Form’s duration(修正了Elder Form形態的下BUG)

* Fixed Armlet of Mordiggian’s recipe cooldown修正了購買肩章(49物品)卷軸的BUG

* Fixed typo on Psi Blades(修正PSI之刃的類型)

* Fixed some creep death time discrepancies (188461)修正了一些野怪的死亡時間

* Fixed a very minor bug with the damage mechanism on Shukuchi(修正了 SHUKUCHI一個運做機制的BUG)

* Fixed a display bug with Mode Random休整了隨機模式下一個BUG

* Fixed a possible abuse with Helm of the Dominator修正了一個支配頭盔可能發生的BUG

* Fixed Overload from using its charge when attacking an allied unit修正了攻擊隊友的BUG?

* Fixed Last Word from turning off Electric Rave修正了最後遺言對電子咆哮的問題 Others:其他 ——-

* Remade Invoker as promised in 6.49重新製作649的卡爾

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* Added a new game mode -singledraft or -sd (swiss) 新模式-SD

* Improved Sentinel creep pathing on top Sentinel lane修正了近衛上路的小兵路徑

* Adjusted starting gold between all game modes like ap/xl/rd/sd to be the same (all the same as xl) and for randoms to be like ar. Gold is now give at the start and income starts with the first creep wave.

* Income is now distributed in 1 gold intervals instead of in 8 gold intervals (same total gold)

* Added a new experimental command -ah (增加了-AH模式)

* Added a new system to detect replays used in -ah and other future applications (thanks PandaMine)

* Changed how the secondary shops work. You can now see their location and click them while in fog.

* Added new visual effect for Orchid Malevolence’s Soul Burn (JetFango)

* -roll now shows the range the person entered (188889)

* Added a new command -clear to clear game messages from your screen(口令-CLAER清楚屏幕上的字)

* Reduced model size and changed the look of the non-ancient Golems(減少野怪非古樹級石頭人的體積,顏色也變了)

* Added a new command -apm to show your actions per minute(新口令-APM,來看APM)

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* Couriers can now disassemble items (161180)(烏鴉可以拆裝備了)

* Added text descriptions for power ups (68307) (神符有提示~)

* Delayed the creep spawn time by 30 seconds in -vr(-VR模式下小兵晚出30秒)

* Made “Helm of Iron Will” item name consistent between recipes and core, using Helm instead of Helmet.

* Centered swap request notice is given to a player (182779)

* Added -afk that displays how long each player has been idle for增加-AFK口令來看玩家的空閒時間

* Added a conditionally available -kickafk command to boot players that have been idle for more than 10 minutes (171984)

* Necronomicon icon now changes per level (190183)死靈書圖標隨級別而改變

* Changed durations of some power ups (Haste 45->30, Illusion 60->75, Regen 45->30)修改了一些神符的持續時間

* Moon Wells now gather water during night and get drained during day. This has no gameplay impact (60920) 月井白天有水黑天無水

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* Added new tooltip text on items showing if they can be disassembled

* Improved tooltip for observer wards to detail the stock mechanics

* Added a new command -courier that toggles idle courier icon on and off (Ro-Coco)增加口令-courier可以開關信使圖標

* Added a new command -swapall to request to swap for any hero (175040)增加了新口令swapall,可一用來向所有玩家發出交換英雄請求

* Improved Shackles caster effect增加撒滿捆綁的施法范圍

* Added an additional constant (7) Mana regeneration to Fountains增強了泉水的魔法恢復

* Removed replenish interval from buying Clarity Potion (like tangos now)

* Changed Heartstopper pure damage type to HP loss (not a nerf or a buff, just works with things like dagger in a more desirable way)

* Improved Electric Rave icon (169997)修改了Electric Rave的圖標

* Improved Luna’s orb warning message (113338)修改了月女的發球提示

