《COD4 現代戰爭》狙擊關卡全文翻譯

1.Too much radiation,we’ll have to go around.  我們將穿越核輻射地區。
2.Follow me,and keep low.  跟上,低點注意隱蔽。
3.Careful….there’s pokets of radiation all over this area.If you absorb too much.you’re a dead man.
4.Standyby.GO.  准備行動!
5.Contact.Enemy patril dead ahead.  目標接觸!正前方有敵兵巡邏。
6.Stay low and move slowly.We’ll be impossible to spot in our ghillie suits.
7.Take one out when the other’s not looking.  另個不注意的時候幹掉一個。
8.he’s down.good night.  他被擊斃,晚安。
9.There’s more cover if we go around.  我們過去,那有更多掩體。
10.Four tangos inside.Don’t even think about it.  屋內4個敵兵,不要想點子了。
11.Wait there,Targo by the car.呆在那,目標上車了。
12.Take him out quietly or just let him pass.Your call.幹掉他,不要出聲音。或者讓他過去。你看着辦。
13.Don’t move.we’ve got a lookout in the church tower.別動,教堂塔樓有崗哨。
14….and a patrol coming from the north。北邊還有個巡邏兵正在向我們靠近。
15.let’s move for the better view.調整視野,准備行動
16.Do you have a shot on the lookout?He’s in the tower.可能幹掉崗哨?他在塔樓里
18.Target approaching from the north. 北邊目標正在接近
19.Tango down,Go.目標擊斃。走!
20.Forward area clear.前方區域安全!
21.The coast is clear.道路暢通!
22.Your hear that?可聽到了?
23.Enemy helicopter,Get down.敵軍武裝直升機,趴下!
24.stay in ther shadows.he’s circling back around .don’t move.呆在陰影里別動!它正在上空盤旋。
25.They are on to us.open fire!他們發現我們了,開火!
26.Get down.now.趴下
27.Easy lad….there’s too many of them,let them go.keep a low profile and hold your fire.
28.try to anticipate their paths.試着找出他們的前進路線。
29.If you have to maneuver.do it slow and steady.no quick movements.注意移動要慢要穩,千萬不能快。
30.look like they’re already eliminated the men they couldn’t buy out.似乎他們已經不要這些屍體了,他們不會收屍的
31.Taking’em out without alerting the rest isn’t to be easy.要在不驚動他們的情況下動手不是件容易的事情
32.But then again,neither is sneaking past them.your call。不過之後就不需要躡手躡腳的繞過他們了。你看着辦
33.Don’t fire on the two by the lorry.不要攻擊運輸機邊的兩個。
34.we’ll have to take’em out at the same time.我們必須同時擊斃他們。
35.i’m in position.take the shot when you’re ready.我已就位。你准備好就可以開槍!
36.stay back,he’s mine.呆在後面,我來動手。
37.forward area clear.前方安全!
38.Shhh……..stay hidden…move up.噓。。。隱蔽!走!
39.This way.let’s go.這邊,走!
40.it’s bloody convention out there.Get ready to move on my signal.stay right behind me.
42.There’s a truck coming…we’ll use it as cover.keep moving.  卡車馬上過來,我們正好用其掩護。繼續前進!
43.Just wait here a moment.when they leave.crawl out and stay low.Patience…Don’t do anything stupid. 稍等,等他們走後趴過去。忍耐下,別幹蠢事!
44.Don’t move.Sniper,Fire escapre,4th floor,dead ahead. 別動,有狙擊!正前方,4樓,消防梯。
45.take hime out,or he’ll give away our position.幹掉他否則會暴露我們位置。
46.Don’t let your guard down.we’re not there yet.別放鬆,我們還沒到
47.leave it alone.it’s a wild dog.離它遠點,是只野狗
48.pooch doesn’t look too friendly.這隻狗看起來不友好,
49.Keep your distance.No need to attract unnecessary attention. 保持距離,不需引起沒必要的注意,
50.clear right,go.右邊安全。走
51.look at this place…Fifty thousand people used to live in this city.now it’s a ghost town.i’ve never seen anything like it.
52.move.this way.Go.這邊,走!
53.there’s the hotel.we should be able to observe the exchange from the top floor up there.let’s move.

1.Leftenant Price,the meeting is underway.Enemy transport sighted entering the target area.
Leftenant Price,交易正在進行,看到敵人的運輸車正在進入目標區域。
2.The wind’s gettin a bit choppy.You can compensate for it,or you can wait it out.but he might leave before it dies down.it’s your call.
3.Remember what i’ve taught you.Keep in mind variable humidity and wind speed along the bullet’s fight path.At this distance you’ll also have to take the coriolis effect into account.
4.Ok….i think i see him.wait for my mark.好,我想我看到他了,等我信號。
5.Target down.I think i saw his arm fly off.Nice work leftenant.We got him.
6.Shit….they’re on to us!Take out that helicopter,it’ll buy us some time!
7.Great shot Leftenant!Now Let’s go!They’ll be searching for us!
8.It’s time to move.該走了。
9.We’ll have to take the short cut!Follow my lead!
10.Delta Two Four,this is Alpha Six!We have been compromised,i repeat we have been compromised,now heading to Extraction Point four!
11.(Big Bird:)alpha six,Big Bird is en route,E.T.A -20 minutes.Don’t be late.We’re stretchin’ our fuel as it is.Out.
阿而法六, 大鳥已經出發。預計20分鍾後到達,不要遲到。實際上我們已經耗盡燃料。完畢!
12.We’ll lose’em in that apartment!come on!在那董住宅,我們快要錯過他們了。快點!
14.Quick,plant a claymore by the door up ahead!快,在門道前放置克萊莫地雷。
