PHP 7.2.15 & 7.3.2 發佈

PHP(外文名:PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor,中文名:「超文本預處理器」)是一種通用開源腳本語言。語法吸收了C語言、Java和Perl的特點,利於學習,使用廣泛,主要適用於Web開發領域。PHP 獨特的語法混合了C、Java、Perl以及PHP自創的語法。它可以比CGI或者Perl更快速地執行動態網頁。

Version 7.2.15

07 Feb 2019

  • Core:

    • Fixed bug #77339 (__callStatic may get incorrect arguments).

    • Fixed bug #77494 (Disabling class causes segfault on member access).

    • Fixed bug #77530 (PHP crashes when parsing `(2)::class`).

  • Curl:

    • Fixed bug #76675 (Segfault with H2 server push).

  • GD:

    • Fixed bug #73281 (imagescale(…, IMG_BILINEAR_FIXED) can cause black border).

    • Fixed bug #73614 (gdImageFilledArc() doesn’t properly draw pies).

    • Fixed bug #77272 (imagescale() may return image resource on failure).

    • Fixed bug #77391 (1bpp BMPs may fail to be loaded).

    • Fixed bug #77479 (imagewbmp() segfaults with very large images).

  • ldap:

    • Fixed bug #77440 (ldap_bind using ldaps or ldap_start_tls()=exception in libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll).

  • Mbstring:

    • Fixed bug #77454 (mb_scrub() silently truncates after a null byte).

  • MySQLnd:

    • Fixed bug #75684 (In mysqlnd_ext_plugin.h the plugin methods family has no external visibility).

  • Opcache:

    • Fixed bug #77361 (configure fails on 64-bit AIX when opcache enabled).

  • OpenSSL:

    • Fixed bug #77390 (feof might hang on TLS streams in case of fragmented TLS records).

  • PDO:

    • Fixed bug #77273 (array_walk_recursive corrupts value types leading to PDO failure).

  • Sockets:

    • Fixed bug #76839 (socket_recvfrom may return an invalid ‘from’ address on MacOS).

  • Standard:

    • Fixed bug #77395 (segfault about array_multisort).

    • Fixed bug #77439 (parse_str segfaults when inserting item into existing array).

Version 7.3.2

07 Feb 2019

  • Core:

    • Fixed bug #77369 (memcpy with negative length via crafted DNS response).

    • Fixed bug #77387 (Recursion detection broken when printing GLOBALS).

    • Fixed bug #77376 (“undefined function” message no longer includes namespace).

    • Fixed bug #77357 (base64_encode / base64_decode doest not work on nested VM).

    • Fixed bug #77339 (__callStatic may get incorrect arguments).

    • Fixed bug #77317 (__DIR__, __FILE__, realpath() reveal physical path for subst virtual drive).

    • Fixed bug #77263 (Segfault when using 2 RecursiveFilterIterator).

    • Fixed bug #77447 (PHP 7.3 built with ASAN crashes in zend_cpu_supports_avx2).

    • Fixed bug #77484 (Zend engine crashes when calling realpath in invalid working dir).

  • Curl:

    • Fixed bug #76675 (Segfault with H2 server push).

  • Fileinfo:

    • Fixed bug #77346 (webm files incorrectly detected as application/octet-stream).

  • FPM:

    • Fixed bug #77430 (php-fpm crashes with Main process exited, code=dumped, status=11/SEGV).

  • GD:

    • Fixed bug #73281 (imagescale(…, IMG_BILINEAR_FIXED) can cause black border).

    • Fixed bug #73614 (gdImageFilledArc() doesn’t properly draw pies).

    • Fixed bug #77272 (imagescale() may return image resource on failure).

    • Fixed bug #77391 (1bpp BMPs may fail to be loaded).

    • Fixed bug #77479 (imagewbmp() segfaults with very large images).

  • ldap:

    • Fixed bug #77440 (ldap_bind using ldaps or ldap_start_tls()=exception in libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll).

  • Mbstring:

    • Fixed bug #77428 (mb_ereg_replace() doesn’t replace a substitution variable).

    • Fixed bug #77454 (mb_scrub() silently truncates after a null byte).

  • MySQLnd:

    • Fixed bug #77308 (Unbuffered queries memory leak).

    • Fixed bug #75684 (In mysqlnd_ext_plugin.h the plugin methods family has no external visibility).

  • Opcache:

    • Fixed bug #77266 (Assertion failed in dce_live_ranges).

    • Fixed bug #77257 (value of variable assigned in a switch() construct gets lost).

    • Fixed bug #77434 (php-fpm workers are segfaulting in zend_gc_addre).

    • Fixed bug #77361 (configure fails on 64-bit AIX when opcache enabled).

    • Fixed bug #77287 (Opcache literal compaction is incompatible with EXT opcodes).

  • PCRE:

    • Fixed bug #77338 (get_browser with empty string).

  • PDO:

    • Fixed bug #77273 (array_walk_recursive corrupts value types leading to PDO failure).

  • PDO MySQL:

    • Fixed bug #77289 (PDO MySQL segfaults with persistent connection).

  • SOAP:

    • Fixed bug #77410 (Segmentation Fault when executing method with an empty parameter).

  • Sockets:

    • Fixed bug #76839 (socket_recvfrom may return an invalid ‘from’ address on MacOS).

  • SPL:

    • Fixed bug #77298 (segfault occurs when add property to unserialized empty ArrayObject).

  • Standard:

    • Fixed bug #77395 (segfault about array_multisort).

    • Fixed bug #77439 (parse_str segfaults when inserting item into existing array).


