

Greenland [ˈgriːnlənd] 格陵蘭島

Owned by 被。。。所有

Dane 丹麥人(單數)

Greenland — the world’s largest island currently owned by Denmark. 格陵蘭島,世界上最大的島,目前為丹麥所有。

Be rich in sth. 富饒的

Natural resources 自然資源

Iron ore [ɔː(r)] 鐵礦石

Lead [led] 鉛 ,解釋為鉛的時候讀 [led] 不要讀成 [liːd ]

Zinc [zɪŋk] 鋅

Diamond [ˈdaɪəmənd] 金剛石,鑽石

Rare earth [ˌreər ˈɜːθ] 稀土 。貿易戰後稀土被認為是對付美帝的一張王牌。


Uranium [juˈreɪniəm] 鈾

Greenland is widely believed to be hugely rich in natural resources — including iron ore, lead, zinc, diamonds, gold, rare earth elements, uranium and oil. 大家都認為格陵蘭島藏有大量的自然資源包括:鐵礦石、鉛、鋅、鑽石、黃金、

Untapped [ˌʌnˈtæpt] 未開發的

Ice sheet 冰蓋

And much of it is currently untapped, due to the fact that, well, 80% of the country is covered by an ice sheet. 由於格陵蘭島80%的土地被冰蓋所覆蓋,因此島上大部分的資源目前未被開發。


Global warming 全球變暖

Erosion [ɪˈrəʊʒn] 侵蝕;逐漸減弱

Doable [ˈduːəbl] 可行的

But due to global warming, that ice sheet is melting rapidly — this summer NASA scientists observed two of the largest melts in the history of Greenland — and that erosion of the ice sheet is expected to make the mining of Greenland’s natural resources more doable. 但是隨着全球變暖,格陵蘭島上的冰蓋正在迅速融化-這個夏天NASA的科學家觀察到有史以來最大的2塊冰蓋消融殆盡,這也讓礦產資源開發變得更加可行。Is this project something that you think doable ? 你認為這個項目可行嗎?

Bullet point 點局。 這里可以翻譯為濃墨重彩的一筆。

Legacy in the office 執政遺產。

Trump is a man very interested in his legacy in office. Buying Greenland would be a major bullet point on his presidential resume. 特朗普非常看重自己的執政遺產。能夠買下格陵蘭島對於他來說絕對會在他的履歷上留下濃墨重彩的一筆。

For sale 出售

Is Greenland for sale? 格陵蘭島可以被出售嗎?”We’re open for business, not for sale.” 來做生意,歡迎。來買島,免談。


Autonomous [ɔːˈtɒnəməs] 自治的

Denmark owns Greenland, but the country has its own autonomous government. 丹麥擁有格陵蘭島,但是格陵蘭島有自己的自治政府。Hong Kong SAR (Special Autonomous Region ) 香港,這個全稱不太常見。一般都直接稱呼Hong Kong.


Broach [brəʊtʃ] 提出(尤指令人尷尬或有異議的話題);

In 1946, US Secretary of State James Byrnes — serving under President Harry Truman — broached the idea with the Danish foreign minister at a United Nations meeting in New York. 1946年,美國國務卿James Byrnes (杜魯門時代),在紐約的聯合國大會上向丹麥外長提出了購買格陵蘭島的想法。He broached the subject of her past during the meeting . 他在會議上提出了她的過去。

Icy 冰冷的

Greenland is actually icy and Iceland is actually green. 格陵蘭島其實是結滿冰的而冰島是綠色的。(Geenland 字面意思就是綠色的土地,Iceland字面意思是冰島。)

