大音希聲,大愛無疆 (曹曉萌米蘭古琴演奏會)

應意中文化交流和發展中心之邀,古琴藝術家曹曉萌女士將於2019年8月2日晚六點半於Stecca (Isola)獻上一場以「天•地•人」為主題的古琴音樂盛會,引領我們進入一個古雅又美妙的東方古典音樂世界。


大音希聲,大愛無疆 (曹曉萌米蘭古琴演奏會)

– 人 –






The left-hand press sounds are serene and firm. 

The fingers move on the strings freely. 

The vibrato and vibrato ritardando are sometimes like the people』s mood, ethereal and variable, and sometimes like the people』s language. 

The comprehensive world is reflected on the fingers and the strings, as if the time and space open the heaven and the earth by the sound, and brings people into the three thousand years』 reincarnation.

– 地 –





The open string sounds, profound, 

vast and extending far into the distance, are like the capacious earth. 

From the music, we can see the rivers and mountains conceal or shine between the heaven and the earth; 

the billowing wind and the water waves carries the history that coils 3000 years to come on the face. 

The stringed sounds go into the highest of the heavens,

soul-stirring, and inspiring.

– 天 –




The floating sound,clear and agile,is like the sound from the heaven. 

The great sound seems soundless and goes straight into the firmament. 

It』s the information and guide the ancients left to us.

大音希聲,大愛無疆 (曹曉萌米蘭古琴演奏會)



大音希聲,大愛無疆 (曹曉萌米蘭古琴演奏會)

Guqin, a seven-stringed instrument, is one of the oldest Musical Instruments in China, with a history of more than 3,000 years. It used to be regarded as the No. 1 of Chinese four arts by Confucius,which has historically been regarded as one of the most important symbols of Chinese high culture. Guqin has been frequently referred to as the preferred instrument of the sages and literati. The art of Guqin had already been melted with the art of landscapes, poems, feeling and scenery as well as Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, become a profound part of Chinese huge cultural heritages, and designated as one of the second group of the 「oral and intangible heritage」 by UNESCO.

Mr. Guan Pinghu is one of the greatest guqinists in the 20th century. In 1977, Mr. Guan Pinghu’s “Flowing Water” was successively recorded on voyager gold records of voyager 2 and voyager 1 probes of the United States, and sent to the moon. As the highest representative of music in Asia, his Guqin music flew out of the solar system to seek the bosom friends of human beings in the vast outer space.

大音希聲,大愛無疆 (曹曉萌米蘭古琴演奏會)



The performer, Ms. Cao Xiaomeng works in Southwest Forestry University, under the guidance of the famous Guqin musician, Ms. Qiao Shan, the third generation inheritor of Guan Pinghu, is the fourth generation inheritor of Guan School. She is also the mumber of the International Union of Chinese Musicians International Guqin Association, researcher of Chinese Guqin Culture Research Association, director of Cangzhou Guqin Culture Research Association, researcher of Yunnan Poetry and Painting Research Association, and  professional instructor of Southwest Forestry University Folk Music Association. She has been engaged in the teaching and dissemination of Guqin music and culture for a long time and has cultivated a large number of outstanding Guqin art talents. She has been invited to hold Guqin art performance and Guqin lecture activities for many times. Proficient in traditional Chinese arts such as tea ceremony, incense ceremony and calligraphy, mainly teaching Guqin culture and playing, TCFL and Chinese culture, ancient Chinese and other professional courses in the University. 

大音希聲,大愛無疆 (曹曉萌米蘭古琴演奏會)


地點:Via Gaetano de Castillia, 26,

             20124 Milano MI(La stecca 3.0)

