


Yellow Spot is a portable protest toilet for women

埃因霍芬設計學院(Design Academy Eindhoven)畢業生Elisa Otañez設計了一個黃色的移動廁所,目的是抗議荷蘭缺乏女性公共設施。


Design Academy Eindhoven graduate Elisa Otañez has created a bight yellow, mobile toilet as a protest against the lack of public facilities for women in The Netherlands.

Originally from Mexico, Otañez noticed that there were many public urinals in cities in The Netherlands to reduce the number of men urinating in the street, but that there were very few facilities for women.



Otañez 告訴Dezeen的記者說:「男人們在公共場合、角落、街道上撒尿,政府為他們建立了小便池,可這對女性來說是否有些不公平?」


The graduate from the Social Design masters programme at Design Academy Eindhoven, found that there was one public toilet for every 10 urinals in the city.

“Men were peeing in public, in corners, in the streets, and they got rewarded with toilets,” Otañez told Dezeen. “Do women have to start doing that as well to get their public toilets?”

“I wanted to make a solution, something that worked and wasn’t only as a protest,” she added. “It’s kind of an invisible issue – as a woman you are very used to going into a restaurant or a bar, looking for somewhere to go, when actually the city should provide a solution.”


Photo is by Marica De Michele

「Yellow Spot」由三種元素組成,分別是輪子上的亮黃色框架、保護隱私的帆布面板和充當馬桶的小型黃色容器,其頂部為傾斜的凹形。



Yellow Spot consists of three elements: a bright yellow frame on wheels, panels of canvas that form walls for privacy and a small, yellow container that has a sloped, concave top that acts as the toilet bowl.

The painted frame is made from straight pieces of tubular steel bolted together with industrial joints to create an effect similar to scaffolding.

The yellow-coated walls feature the slogans “free toilet” and “occupied by women” printed in bold black lettering. The front panel of canvas is secured with a clip that allows it to easily be opened and closed. Facts about the number of public toilets available for women are printed on the inside.


這種無座、無水、聚苯乙烯馬桶的造型參考了jerry 罐(通常用於運載燃料),它的一邊是手把,這樣的設計是使用時不需要坐下。



The seatless, waterless, polystyrene toilet is loosely modelled on the shape of a jerry can – commonly used for carrying fuel – with a handle on one side. It is designed for hovering over, rather than sitting on.

“In the research I made in Eindhoven and other Dutch cities, I learned that 61 per cent of women don’t sit down when using a public toilet while 85 per cent of women say they use public toilets only for peeing,” explained Otañez.

“Mobility is important in order for it to perform as a protest artefact that 『marches’ around the city demanding toilets for women,” she added. “The outcome had to reconcile a functional toilet and a totem of protest that matched together, making sense of each other.”



「Yellow Spot」是Otañez的畢業設計作品。截止到目前,他已經在公共場合進行了兩次試驗,一次在市場上,一次在公共廣場中央。但是都被警察要求移走,因為警方認為其缺少官方許可。


The prototype is polystyrene and vacuum-formed due to time limitations for the project, but the aim is for the bowl to be rotation moulded in the future.

Yellow Spot is Otañez’s graduation project. So far, it has been trialled in public twice, once in a market and once in the middle of a public square, where she was asked to remove it by police as they said she needed a permit.

“I had many passionate conversations with women who recognised and identified with the issue, since it’s a problem they have been facing all their lives,” said the designer. “When women need to provide for themselves their own toilet solutions in response to the inability of the city to do so, they either are punished for it or have to ask permission.”


Photo is by Marica De Michele


她說:「『Yellow Spot』就像『特洛伊木馬』,它讓更多人意識到這個問題,希望通過此舉能夠為所有需要的女性提供合適的解決方案。」

Otañez said that a functional, portable toilet that would meet the needs of all people who identify as women and don’t have safe spaces to urinate in public, as well as pregnant and menstruating women, would require more time and research.

“The Yellow Spot acts as a 『trojan horse’ to bring the issue to a wider audience and hopefully, through this, a proper toilet for all needs can be provided,” she said.


Photo is by Marica De Michele

上個月,《美國建築》( US architecture)沒有正常出版,而是發行了為公共建築設計包容性浴室的免費指南,來解決「緊迫的社會問題」。

其它解決過廁所問題的設計師還有Nendo,他提議災區可以用空水瓶組裝廁所。除此之外還有 EOOS,他與Eawag水資源研究所合作,為極端貧困的地區設計了自我過濾式移動廁所。

Aandeboom在丹麥的羅斯基勒節(Roskilde Festival)上設計了樹上小便池,從而減輕公共廁所的壓力,而Faltazi則用稻草袋解決了同樣的問題。

圖片來源:Elisa Otañez(除非特別說明)

Last month US architecture initiative Stalled! published free guidelines for designing inclusive bathrooms for public buildings to address an “urgent social issue”.

Other designers who have tackled toilet issues include Nendo, whose proposal for disaster areas could be assembled using empty water bottles, and EOOS, who teamed up with water research institute Eawag to create a self-filtering mobile toilet for areas of extreme poverty.

Aandeboom created tree-mounted urinals to try and mitigate public urination at the Roskilde Festival in Denmark, while Faltazi tackled the same issue with a straw-bale solution.

Photography by Elisa Otañez, unless stated.






